Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
After a long break, here it is. The most awaited KWGT widget pack(Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk) you’ve been asking for.
Presenting Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
This is not a stand-alone app. Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
It requires KWGT Kustom Widget Maker and KWGT Kustom Widget Pro Key to use the widgets.
_____________________________________________ Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
> 30 widgets initially
> Guaranteed Monthly Updates
> More Materialism
> More Minimalism
> Calendar, music, system info, sleek time, date and weather widgets… You name it, Abstract Pro’s got it.
Hidden perks in all of the widgets [Find out for yourselves. No spoilers!]
Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
>> Enjoy << ______________________________________________ Special Thanks: Aakash (aka Icarus), Pratik, Vinicius, Nedia, as well as the whole widgetology team who tested the app and helped us fix little things that would have given you nightmares full of OCD. Follow us at twitter.com/widgetology >>> If you wish to donate, then you can reach us at
1. Google Pay: [soon]
2. PayTM: [soon]
3. PayPal: [soon]
Your support really means a lot to us. It helps keep our spirits up to continue making more awesome widgets for all of you.
Abstract Pro for KWGT mod apk
Follow us on Twitter for more updates.
Soham: twitter.com/shm_dsgn
Debayan: twitter.com/debz_exe
These widgets are copyright of the respective members of the widgetology collective. Using these widgets for a commercial purpose without the consent of widgetology or the widgets’ owners is strictly prohibited.