Colorize it – Colorize Photos (MOD APK, Premium) v
★ Premium / Paid features Unlocked
★ Unwanted Permissions + Activities removed
★ Unwanted Services + Receivers and Providers removed
★ Ads Activities + Services and Providers removed
★ Ads / Analytics / Crashlytics links removed
★ Ads methods nullified
★ Ads visibility disabled
★ AOSP compatible
★ Debug code removed
★ Original signature changed
➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages
➡ CPU architecture: Universal
➡ Screen DPIs: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi
¡Revitalize and restore your old black and white photos by colorizing them with artificial intelligence!
🎨 “Colorize it” is an app that uses neural networks and artificial intelligence techniques to automatically give color to grayscale images. It’s easy, fast and effective, so no one will notice that color was added artificially. Try it and give a new life to your old memories by turning them colorful and vivid! It works nicely with all kinds of photos: totally grayscale, sepia-toned, partially decolored, etc. “Colorize it” will take the picture as grayscale and will colorize it completely from scratch.
🛠️ Moreover, “Colorize it” is also capable now to restore your old pictures. It can make an old, damaged, low-quality photo look brand new and perfect. This AI-based technology restores your memories by clearing noise from the image and better defining it, and works especially good on people. With this new tool your old pictures will not only be colorful and vivid, but also restored, defined and clear. Your memories, more alive than ever and at its best quality.
📷 The images that you want to colorize and/or restore can be selected from the gallery or taken directly from the camera. The process is easy, fast, effective and free! The photo is sent to a server, that carries out all the process and returns the result color/restored image (due to this, Internet access is necessary). As our privacy policy states, the server doesn’t save or share in any way the picture or the result. They both are completely erased from the server once the result is sent back to you.
🔗 If you like our work. You can take a look at our other amazing apps based on artificial intelligence. And you can also follow us on Twitter (reAImagineApps) and Instagram (reaimagineapps) to see great examples of what our apps can do and to stay tuned to any update or new app.
Are you ready to use the latest AI technology to go from old, black and white and/or poor-quality photos to restored, colorful, vivid photos of the best quality? Then you are ready to bring your memories back to life with “Colorize it”.