Pixly mod apk
* 6265 Icons Resolution 2K SuperHD+(300 X 300)Pixel!
* 85 HD Wallpapers with Resolution 2K (2000×2000)Pixel!
* Each icon has been designed with extreme care of details!
* Triple Icons Rendering Process!
* Automatic Masking for Missing Icons!
* Dynamic Calendar for App Stock & Google Calendar!
* Missing Icons Request directly through the app (3 Free for each release)!
* Update Periodicals Guaranteed!
• This Icon Pack needs a custom launcher to be applied.
Special thanks to D. Mahardhika for CandyBar.
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk
Pixly mod apk